Kerbal-Space-Program – Most Efficient Way to Fly into Moon’s Orbit and Do a Capture Burn


Consider the mission of travelling from Kerbin to Ike (low orbit). There are two ways of getting to Ike that I'm trying to compare in terms of fuel requirements.

First method: Duna capture, Ike flyby

  1. Leave Kerbin and get a Duna flyby.
  2. Fine-tune Duna flyby for a low Duna periapsis.
  3. Burn retrograde at the Duna periapsis to achieve an elliptical
  4. Wait for a good window then fly by Ike, adjusting the current orbit if needed.
  5. Fine-tune Ike orbit for a periapsis at low orbit.
  6. Burn retrograde at periapsis to achieve low Ike orbit.

Second method: direct Ike flyby and capture

  1. Leave Kerbin and get a Duna flyby.
  2. Fine-tune Duna flyby for an Ike flyby + low Ike periapsis.
  3. Burn retrograde at the Ike periapsis to achieve low Ike orbit.

Which scenario requires less ΔV? Is this typical for other Kerbin -> E.T. Moon trips? Are there any corner cases or exceptions to the norm (e.g. high/low planet:moon mass ratios, Laythe, high/low spacecraft eccentricity around Kerbol, etc)?

Best Answer

Third method is better

Oberth effect + Aerobraking + Gravity assist.

  1. Aerobraking is free braking. Only one moon, Laythe, have atmosphere. Eve, Duna, Jool and Kerbin, which tend to be most interesting planets, can easily capture you with aerobraking. Free Delta-V.

Aerobraking happens at low PE so it will be coupled with Oberth effect. Aerobraking alone will save you enough Delta-V to encounter moon later on, with some planing you can even encounter it for free. Quick saving and Trajectories mod are advised. Of course it will require craft capable of aerobraking, inflatable heat shield is good starting point.

  1. Oberth effect (as simulated in KSP) makes braking more efficient at high speed. Highest speed in orbit is at PE. More massive body means higher speed at PE. Which means more saving from Oberth effect. Therefore main body is better for braking.

You might want to have high thrust-to-weight ratio, long burn will waste propellant. But try not to hurt your total Delta-V. Before you go for low PE on body without atmosphere, check its highest point. You do not want to encounter mountain at 5000 m/s.

  1. Gravity assist will change your orbit virtually for free. You can use moon encounter to change PE at main body encounter. Which will give you aerobraking and Oberth effect.

So in perfect encounter you:

  1. Bounce on moon
  2. Skim main body, brake or aerobrake
  3. Encounter moon again
  4. Expend laughable amount of delta-v to circularize moon orbit.

Capture burn from interplanetary transfer involves braking, a lot of it. Delta-V requirements tend to be in thousands. Savings in capture burn tend to be higher than moon encounter burns. Do not forget mid course corrections, long before planetary rendezvous you can make high changes in planetary orbit for very low delta-V cost, for example changing orbit from prograde to retrograde will be in tens of m/s instead of thousands.

Jool is an exception, as always.

Laythe and Tylo have 80% of Kerbin mass, which gives them notable gravity assist and Oberth effect. Those moons can capture you with nothing more than gravity assist and some luck in alignment. Orbit changes on Jool itself will cost a lot, due to its massive size, so use moons as much as you can.

Example of aggressive Ike/Duna transfer

I found some time to play so here is my take at red planet.

I went with lowest Delta-V Hohmann-style transfer so Duna PE at encounter was rather low ~1500 m/s.

With some orbit tweaking, and bucket of luck, I got direct encounter at Ike with low Duna PE. Quite good starting point for tests.

Have in mind that:

  1. Ike low orbit <-> Duna low orbit switch is somewhere between 350m/s and 600m/s, depending on starting and target orbits, both ways (half for transfer, half for circular orbit).
  2. Escaping Duna sphere of influence costs around 130m/s from Ike low orbit, while from Duna low orbit it is around 350m/s

Plan your mission accordingly if you have return in plans. If you want to visit both Duna and Ike, aerocapture on Duna would be cheapest in Delta-V overall. Especially when you consider that Duna escape craft can easily be capable of Ike landing.

(I simply can not give precise numbers because it heavily depends on your orbit and planetary alignment)

I used Duna PE to tweak Ike PE for ~100m/s. Ike low orbit needed ~900m/s to circularize.

Ike Direct

Now that's some orbital billiard. ~700 m/s to capture in Duna low orbit, coupled with cheap orbital plane change by bouncing on Ike (300m/s, same change with engines alone would cost above 800m/s).

Duna Direct

Ike gravity is too low for meaningful gravity assist, but here is one anyway:

Ike Bounce

Note: I had horrible position for Ike gravity assist, simply shooting through its sphere of influence, if ship trajectory would be tangent to Ike orbit it would be much more effective.


In the end, it will mostly depend on your mission profile, especially your plans for return. You have lot of options, with plenty of possible combinations. Remember, even if you will use most effective transfers, you will waste fuel if orbits are not in line with your exploration plan. Plan in advance. And use Precise Maneuver Node Editor (MechJeb comes with one, but there are more to pick from).

If you want some fun ideas for Duna/Ike check out Duna Ore Bust web comic.

See you at Barsoom!

John Carter, here I come!