Where is the Happiness


I can't seem to find an indicator anywhere for how happy my empire is! I see modifiers every now and then, but nothing about the actual happiness. I have checked everywhere, nothing in steam forums other than how to increase it, nothing on the wiki that I can see, nothing!

I would assume there isn't a happiness rating and not to worry about it, but every now and then I see something that modifies it such as an increase by 5% or that robots are always 100% happy.

Is happiness actually calculated in the game? If so, how do I find out what my empire happiness is?

Best Answer

I figured it out not long after posting the question.

Happiness is calculated in the game and it is a per 'pop' basis. This means each section on a planetary grid that is occupied by a population unit, or 'pop', has it's own individual happiness level. It is on a percentage scale.

The indicator looks like a progress bar right below the portrait of the pop icon, it is the same indicator that is used as a progress bar when a pop is being grown there. It's on a color scale, looks like the happier one is the greener it is and the unhappier one is the yellow to red it gets.