Where should I be rubbing the Pokémon


When I first started playing with Pokemon'Amie, my Froakie just absolutely loved getting his tummy rubbed.

But now when I go in to play with him, he frowns at me when I administer the belly rubs.

In general, where should I be rubbing my frog to increase his affection? Is it the same for each Pokémon species, or does each individual 'mon have a special spot they like rubbed?

Best Answer

If you play with sound on, the rubbing noise (the 'wipwipwip' sound) changes in pitch as you find 'sweet spots' or 'bad spots'. The higher the pitch, the more the Pokemon enjoys it.

Short of facial expressions/body language, this has been the easiest way to figure out the sweet spots for me.

There is a thread over on GameFAQs where people have been sharing good/bad areas to rub as well, if you still cannot find a good place to rub, it may be listed there.