Where should I use the Fragrant Branch of Yore


I'm a mage currently at Harvest Valley and after walking around for a bit, I found a Fragrant Branch of Yore. But this is the only one I have with me right now and it seems that I can do some stuff with it:

  1. Use it on the petrified lion on Shaded Ruins to get the Fang Key 2
  2. Use it on another petrified lion on Shaded Ruins to get the Lion Mage Set
  3. Use it on the Straid of Olaphis near Sinner's Rise

Where should I use it? And where should I go from where I am now?

Best Answer

Use it to get the Lion Mage set because you get another Fragrant Branch of Yore from it, which you should then use on Straid of Olaphis (in my opinion he has the better items for sale, especially if you use miracles, sorcery or even pyromancy)

In short: Lion Mage set (you get another branch) then Straid