Where should one hit an AT-ST Walker to do the most damage


Recently when fighting an AT-ST Walker it appeared to take more damage per blaster shot on the legs than than the "head" of the walker. Similar to how the AT-AT walker takes more damage on different parts of the larger walker.
AT-ST Walker
That leads me to wonder, what part of the AT-ST walker is most vulnerable?

If one can hit the walker anywhere on its surface, where can one do the most damage?

Best Answer

The AT-ST has a weak spot on its back, try to target this when attacking one and defend it when piloting.

The AT-ST has a weak spot on its back, try to target this when attacking one and defend it when piloting

Shoot those exhaust ports. Always the weak spot in imperial tech. :-) But seriously, anywhere in the back panel (back of the "head") is the "weak spot."

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