Where the heck is this Dwarven Storehouse I keep hearing about in “Eastern Skyrim”


Can someone please be more specific as to is location? I followed some instructions elsewhere that seemed to lead to this storehouse, and it just led me to Kagrenzel, the dwarven ruin with the light pedestal trap, and a huge fall into water at the bottom. That one didn't seem to have jack for dwarven materials unless I missed something.

More specific directions would be much appreciated. I'm trying to mine/gather dwarven materials.

Best Answer

I'm pretty sure that you are refering to Mzulft and the Dwarven Storeroom, just south of Mzulft, located along the easterly most edge of Skyrim. It is located along the easterly side of Eastmarch found on this map.

Edit: It should be noted that Mzulft is off limits (requires a key) until you receive a certain quest but the storeroom is open to the public.