Where’s a good spot to land on the Mun


The Mun appears to have quite a varied surface. Is there a particularly good spot for a first landing, i.e. where the ground is level and smooth?

Best Answer

  1. Do not go to the dark side. Seriously. Jebediah still remembers the day he only just escaped death. Unless you put some spotlights on (the really bright ones. Haven't tested it yet, but I assume it gives off enough light).

  2. The center of a crater is the best location for a level landing. Mountain tops tend to be less curvy than the rest of the moon surface, but there's always the chance of overshooting and having to land on a hillside.

  3. If you use Rover wheels instead of landing gear, you minimize the issues for landing on slanted terrain (tipping over <-> rolling away). Although it does require you to come down much more gently if I recall correctly.