Which achievements are missable if sharing Skylanders between multiple profiles


Since purchasing Skylanders with my son and realizing you can't have different profiles on each character, I've also noticed some achievements are not unlocking depending on who first used the Skylander and who it is tied to. In short, all the Skylanders appears to be tied to my profile, but it's preventing some achievements from unlocking on my son's profile.

They aren't just the achievements described with (primary profile), as most have unlocked for both of us while playing separately. So far I've noticed that the following achievements won't unlock once a Skylander is tied to someone:

Fashion Stylist – Have your Skylander equip a hat for the first time. (primary profile)

Hello!! Skylander – The first time you put your Skylander on the Portal of Power. (primary profile)

What other achievements are tied to a Skylander unlocked by a specific person?

Best Answer

In addition to the ones you mentioned, the following achievements may give you trouble..

I Love Shopping - Buy first Upgrade - if all of the Skylanders already have one+ upgrade

Climb to the Top - Level Up to 10 - If all Skylanders are already at 10

True Portal Master - all other Achievements - obviously, if you can't get any of the others

Note that you can reset a Skylander to level 1, or transfer it to someone else. Look under the Manage option in the Menu.