Which character is best for the healer role, other than Aeris


I am going to need a utility/healer when

Aeris dies.

Who do you suggest I use? I've pretty much run a party of Cloud/Barret/Aeries most of the game because it works well for my play style and I faceroll everything that isn't a boss.

I don't even want to get to the point where she dies, I like her far too much as a character.

I know some characters are more geared for healing than others, but who is the best?

Best Answer

Have a look at this thread comparing stats of the characters:

enter image description here image from above forum post

Note that the difference in stats is really pretty minor, and by equipping materia to any character you'll see more variation in stats than you will between characters, if I recall correctly. Additionally the Materia system allows much more versatility than just making someone a "healer", you don't have healers so much as "people with Cure and Revive", so it's easy to slip healing into any team.

Aside from their limit breaks, all characters are basically blank slates when it comes to their role in battle. Note that while cloud is the second best at magic...he's also definitely the best overall and is easily suited to any role. Basically pick a team of three favorite characters based on their personality/looks/limit breaks/weapons/whatever you please, then assign roles as you see fit. Since Cloud is basically a given and too overpowered to dedicate for healing, my healer was always just "Not Cloud" or occasionally "Not Cloud #2", though I usually gave multiple, or all, characters Cure.