Which ? characters do NOT seem to unlock any scenes in TDS


There seem to be several ? bitizens that DO NOT unlock any scenes. I want to put together a list of them so people will stop cluttering up Which character unlock each scene? with them.

Best Answer

Characters that DO NOT seem to unlock any scenes:

  • Lando - Any version
  • Leia - Bespin, Hoth
  • FX-7
  • Admiral Akbar
  • Bothan
  • KelDor
  • Sullustan
  • Chiss
  • Geonosian
  • Jawa
  • Ugnaught
  • Zabrak
  • All Troops - except Tie Pilot, Imperial Gunner, Bike Trooper, Snowtrooper
  • All Rebel Forces
  • Emperor Palpatine
  • Cantina Crew - except Ithorian
  • Hutt's Henchmen