Which combinations are popular during which years


I know that there are topic/genre combos that work better than others, and I know that different target audiences like certain types of games and platforms more than others. All of that is easy enough to find on the game's wiki and elsewhere.

What I can't seem to find any information on is which types of games are popular at different times of different years. I know that it can affect a game's score, but the only one I've been able to find out for sure is that a Medieval/RPG works well toward the end of Y20. I'm not sure if it's true for an extended range of time around that or just that specific moment.

Does anyone else know more about this combo timing?

Best Answer

According to the game's raw data, the algorithm that calculates how big of a score a game will get, does not include the year. What does matter however, is the console that you release your game on. So focus on the console rather than the year. You may get messages every once in a while that tells you what console is the best one to choose.