Which genre fits or works well with which platform


I occasionally get reviews like:
RPG games work well on Playsystem 2.

It seems that each genre has its own popularity on each platform. Choice of genre, relative to platform, affects the review scores.

How do I know which game genre fits or works well with which platform?

Best Answer

KEY: ++ = best, + = good, otherwise, avoid these combinations

               Action   Adventure   RPG   Simulation   Strategy   Casual
PC               +           +       +        +            +         +
Govodore 64      +           +       +        +            +         +
TES              +
Master V         +
Gameling         +                  ++                               +
Vena Gear        +                  ++
Vena Oasis       +                  ++
Super TES        +
Playsystem       +                  ++
TES 64           +                  
DreamVast        +          ++
Playsystem 2     +                  ++                               +
mBox             ++          +
Game Sphere      +
GS                                   +        ++           ++        ++
PPS              +                  ++
mBox 360         +                   +                               ++
Nuu                                           +                      +
Playsystem 3     +                   +
grPhone                              +        ++           ++        ++
grPad                                +        ++           ++        ++
mPad                                          ++           +         ++
Wuu                                           ++                     +
mBox Next        ++                  +                               ++
Playsystem 4     +                   +
Custom Console   ++                  +                               ++

This table is generated from raw data collected from the game.

In addition to the above table, certain combinations of game work better when targeted at specific audiences, for example Post Apocalyptic/Action and Post Apocalyptic/RPG games are best suited when targeted towards more mature audiences.