Which has more Offline Single Player Content: Call of Duty Infinite Warfare or Titanfall 2


I showed my dad a magazine of games for him to pick out a game to get for Christmas. despite being told that he's getting only one he picked two: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and Titanfall 2.

When I got him his Christmas present last year we wanted to choose between Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Halo 5 and Fallout 4 but I chose Fallout 4 because I knew it'll last him much longer than the other two. I want to do the same this year but I'm unsure which has more offline Single Player Content.

So which game has more Offline Single Player Content? Call of Duty Infinite Warfare or Titanfall 2?

By Offline Single Player Content I'm talking about gameplay which is single player and doesn't require the internet. How long would it take on average to complete everything for single player in one difficulty (preferably the easiest since my dad starts off with that).

Best Answer

Using one of my favorite sites for gaming How Long to Beat here is a chart on how long it would take you to beat Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare's single player.

PlayStyle   Polled  Average Median  Rushed  Leisure
Main Story      24  6h 53m  7h      5h 58m  8h 08m
Main + Extras   24  8h 20m  7h 59m  7h      9h 57m
Completionists  4   9h 43m  9h 15m  8h 14m  11h 27m
All PlayStyles  52  7h 46m  7h 34m  6h 20m  10h 32m

So for CoD:IW if you play at an average pace, you should be able to get around 8 hours of gameplay out of purely the single player.

Using the same site for Titanfall 2's single player:

PlayStyle   Polled  Average Median  Rushed  Leisure
Main Story      75  5h 37m  5h 30m  4h 23m  7h 26m
Main + Extras   15  7h 40m  7h      6h  10m 10h 25m
Completionists  5   12h 25m 12h     11h 17m 13h 56m
All PlayStyles  95  6h 18m  6h      4h  41m 10h 54m

Which states you would get around 6 hours of gameplay out of the single player of Titanfall 2. So if you are going purely for single player Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare has higher average times to beat in all categories so that would be your best bet for single player only content.

Sources: https://howlongtobeat.com/game.php?id=38000
