Which Hero Types can learn which abilities


Endless Space has 5 hero types: Pilot, Commander, Corporate, Administrator, and Adventurer.

Which hero abilities are exclusive to which types? Is there a graphic somewhere of the full ability dependency chart? (That is to say, a graph denoting which abilities are unlocked by which prerequisites?)

Best Answer

Here is a chart put together by someone on the Endless Space forums:

Post: http://forums.amplitude-studios.com/showthread.php?6030-Hero-Skills-Tree
Chart: http://i.stack.imgur.com/22eAo.jpg


  • Most abilities key off Veteran 1
  • +movement on fleet
  • +offense and +defense
  • +hp regen on fleet


  • Abilities scattered everywhere: Assailant 1, Defender 1, 2, Veteran 1-4
  • lots of battle actions: +crit on kinetics, +block, destroyed ships survive with 5% hp (!)
  • -accuracy to enemy
  • +xp from battle
  • +offense and +defense
  • change assignment every turn


  • Most abilities keyed off Negotiator 1 and 3
  • +trade routes and trade route bonuses
  • +20% science off Veteran 2 -> Dust Wielder 1


  • Most abilities keyed off Director 1 and 2
  • +approval (flat)
  • +industry (flat and %)
  • +food (flat and %)
  • +defense off Defender 1


  • Most abilities keyed off Veteran 1 > Ground Pounder 1 and Veteran 3
  • +money leech
  • +blockade bypass
  • +science leech
  • +melee and +offense
  • a few battle actions: +critical on lasers, -defense mods on enemy, illusions

Other notes:

  • All classes other than the Adventurer get a special ability based off Dust Wielder 1
  • Administrators seem completely overpowered
  • Pilots and Commanders seem approximately equal for fleets. Commander gets better actions, Pilots get better passives.
  • Corporate and Adventurers seem underwhelming, unless I'm missing something