Which merchant(s) will offer me the best prices for all of the stuff


I know from the completely irrational prices offered by Heodan, the caravan merchant in the tutorial, that (at least in theory…) some merchants can and will offer me a greater return on any merchandise I sell to them.

The question is, which ones? Which merchants will offer me the best recompense for the piles of ill gotten armaments that I am ever so eager to sell to the highest bidder?

Best Answer

After testing on a representative sample of items (magical and non-magical weapon, armor, trap, potion and lockpicks) on several merchants (including but not limited to Defiance Bay marketplace, Gilded Vale blacksmith and inkeeper, stronghold merchants and one Vithrack)...

It is not dependant on reputation in the area (tested with manually changing Gilded Vale rep with cheats), chapter you're in (tested on transition between 2 and 3), type of merchandise they sell, the location they're in, whether you completed a quest for them or not. The sell worth of every item is fixed and you will get the same price regardless of the merchant you choose.