Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow/Green – Which Original 151 Pokemon Learn Moves During Evolution?


In Pokemon Red and Blue, which Pokemon learn moves at the same level at which they evolve?


Which Pokemon (limited to the original 151) learn moves as they simultaneously evolve?

Originally this question was asked somewhere else: https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/27854 however, the original asker deleted it with in 11 seconds of me trying to post the answer. Since I spent the time to work out the answer, I wanted to preserve the question.

Best Answer

It appears the question was about Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow specifically. Almost every Pokémon had their movepools and the levels they learnt moves changed from Gen I to the Advanced Generation (Gen III), so here is a list of the Pokémon that learnt moves as they levelled up within the Gen I games (solely Red, Blue, and Yellow):

  • Charmeleon to Charizard, Level 36, Wing Attack
  • Caterpie to Metapod, Level 7, Harden (only Yellow, not Red or Blue)
  • Metapod to Butterfree, Level 10, Confusion (only Yellow, not Red or Blue)
  • Weedle to Kakuna, Level 7, Harden (only Yellow, not Red or Blue)
  • Mankey to Primape, Level 28, Rage (only Yellow, not Red or Blue)
  • Poliwag to Poliwhirl, Level 25, Doubleslap
  • Bellsprout to Weepinbell, Level 21, Stun Spore
  • Slowpoke to Slowbro, Level 37, Withdraw
  • Magikarp to Gyarados, Level 20, Bite
  • Dratini to Dragonair, Level 30, Slam

(Information compiled from Serebii.net's RBYGSC Pokédex).

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