Which specialization, Magic or Stealth, can give a stealth assassin better advantage in Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion


In Oblivion, when you create a custom class, you need to choose a specialization from Combat/Magic/Stealth. I saw a website recommend Magic for a stealth assassin. How does that give a stealth player a better advantage than a Stealth specialization does?

Best Answer

Spells that I'd find particularly useful in Assassin characters are the Chameleon and Invisibility in the School of Illusion, and the Open Lock & Buoyancy skills in the School of Alteration.

The Illusion skills allow you to escape after taking down your mark. The Alteration skills allow you to get to your mark in ways you may have previously been denied.

The recommendation for Destruction skills I assume is to just allow some damage dealing without having to rely on heavy weapons, that may weigh your character down.

Since that website doesn't really give any details, we can only guess as to it's authors intent.