Baldurs Gate 3 – Which Stat Eldritch Blast Uses When Grabbing it from Spell Sniper Feat


Eldritch Blast is a Warlock cantrip, and Warlocks use their Charisma for their spells, even when you multiclass.
If I have Gale the Wizard (whose spellcasting stat is Intelligence) learn the Spell Sniper feat at level 4, which gives me a cantrip, and I choose Eldritch Blast even though I have no levels in Warlock, will Eldritch Blast use Gale's Intelligence, or his Charisma?

Best Answer

This is one instance where Baldur's Gate 3 differs from 5th edition.

The short answer is: the attribute used is whatever it says the attribute is when you're picking it.

enter image description here enter image description here

For Gale, as a Wizard, this means INT. For any spellcasting class, it seems to use whatever your primary class' spellcasting ability is. (WIS for Clerics / Druids / Rangers, CHA for Bards / Warlocks / Paladins)

For anyone without spellcasting, it seems to use INT.