Which teams are the top teams in FIFA 12


In short I want to find out which are the best teams in FIFA 12. I know this is quite an open ended question but it would be good to see some sort of comparison chart for team stats, anybody have a link for that or something similar?

Something like follows would be useful…

Team    Att    Mid    Def    Total
A       90     90     90     270
B       89     88     87     264
C       90     89     82     261

I need to decide which team I want to be in an upcoming league I am going to be part of. I need to have a shortlist of my preferred teams, and will also be wanting to test them out before it starts.

Best Answer

I cant provide a chart right now but these following teams are definitely in the top 3:

1. Barcelona 
2. Real Madrid
3. Manchester United

These teams are definitely in the top 10 as well:

1. Manchester City
2. Chelsea
3. AC Milan
4. Inter Milan
5. Bayern Munich

Hopefully, it gives you an idea of what team to pick.