Overwatch – Which Triggers First: Steel Trap or Health Pack?


If a Junkrat's steel trap is placed directly on top of a health pack and a low health hero lands on them (or more likely a Sombra teleports to them) would they be damaged by the trap and die or be healed by the health pack first and survive?

Edit: I suppose this might also be applicable to Widowmaker's venom mine but could have different results.

Best Answer

It is dependent on which area of effect you enter first, if you enter both simultaneously (i.e. with Sombra's translocator) the health pick-up will trigger first.

A 5hp Sombra translocates onto a Health pickup:
Low health Sombra translocating onto Health pickup

Notice how the Sombra heals to full, and then has damage from Junkrat's trap applied.

Larger gfycat of above gif.