Which trucks transport raw materials to factories – those of the factories or trade depots


The tooltip for factory trucks only states that they transport the factory's finished goods, ie. a Processor Factory truck transports processors. However, the trade depot's truck tooltip only says that it transports import/export goods to and from the global market.

So which truck transports raw materials from trade depot to factories for production? I import all of my raw materials, so there are no mines, etc. Looking closely, there is a slight difference in the way the two trucks look, and it seems to be the factory's trucks that transport materials, but can anyone confirm that?

My factories often run low on resources so it would be useful to know, so I can only increase the number of useful trucks.

Best Answer

  1. The Global Market always provides the truck. This is true whether you are importing from or exporting to the Global Market.

  2. For deliveries within your city, the "delivering from" building is always the one whose truck is used.

In your example, the trade depot trucks are the ones that transport materials to your processor factory.

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