Which version(s) of Super Mario World are allowed when speedrunning on SpeedRunsLive


I am interested in Speedrunning Super Mario World on SpeedRunsLive, but I was wondering if there are restrictions on what versions are allowed. In particular, are there restrictions on whether you use the Japanese/North American/European releases or whether you use the Snes or Wii version.

The SpeedRunsLive page for the game only specifies that the GBA version is not allowed.

Finally, is Snes9x 1.53 allowed as an emulator?

Best Answer

You can use any official version of Super Mario World (except, in this case the GBA version). As far as emulators go, you can find a list of banned emulators here. According to that list, Snes9x 1.53 should be allowed, but I would ask SRL moderation just to be safe. You should be good to use it though.

Keep in mind, though, that if you do play on emulator, you have to livestream the whole thing, and ensure that the VOD is available after you are done streaming. You may be disqualified otherwise. In any case, you should have some ability to proof anyway, and livestreaming and recording the thing is the best way to do that.