Whom can I declare war on as a vassal of a vassal


I'm a Count, to a Duke, to the Emperor.

I've managed to get a claim on a Count who is directly vassal of the Emperor, and the game informed me I can't declare war on him because we are both vassals but our liege is different.

Now, I know I can declare a war of independence against my Duke, so that's beside the point.

  • If I get a claim on my Duke's County, can I declare a claim war on him?
  • If I get a claim against an independent, can I declare a claim war on him?

Best Answer

If you have a claim on someone independent of the Empire you can declare war on him, so long as the Crown Authority is not Absolute.

If you get a claim on your Liege's County... That's a bit different. I do not believe you can directly declare a claim war against your Liege. However, once you have a claim on your Liege's Duke title (such a claim could be plot-fabricated) you can create a plot to demand the title from your Liege. Once you have a minimum of support (at least 80% plot power and at least 1 backer) you can state your demands to your liege. Your liege is very likely to reject your demands, at which point you will go to war for it.

I don't think you can make a claim war against your liege for his county title. Especially not when it's his only county.

The screenshot you shared is for the Demand Duchy from Liege Decision. The plot I mentioned above is the Gain Liege's Title Plot.