Why are expected delivery times given as a range


On the "Current job" screen in the Route Advisor, the expected delivery time is always given as a range, e.g. "Fri 21:50 – Sat 2:00".

Why is that? I know the second time is the actual deadline and if you miss it, you fail the job, but what's the purpose of the first time? Is there a bonus (or penalty) for delivering the cargo early?

I thought this was simply cosmetic, but I've noticed that high-priority delivery jobs tend to have a narrower time window, which I assume is meant to make the job more challenging, but in what way exactly?

Best Answer

I play lots of ETS.

The delivery range provides information on the earliest time, given optimal conditions, that you would be able to deliver the cargo. The latter time, as you pointed out, was the deadline, where arriving afterwards incurs a penalty.

I have not noticed any particular bonus for delivering earlier - other than not being late. I think the first time is really a guide as to when you can reasonably expect to arrive given perfect conditions.