Why are Online parallel quests not clearing


I'm doing some of the hard quests online, and looking for help actually clearing them. For some reason, after I complete them, they do not appear as cleared – I get a message saying "finished" and "clear", but on the results screen, I'm awarded with everything except the rank (eg exp., Zeni, etc). The rank stays black and is not awarded. I've tried different quests with several characters, including the hero, all of which ended with the same results. I try to always use the hero because I thought that that was preventing me from clearing the quests, but obviously I'm doing something wrong.

Does anybody knows why this is happening? Has this happened to anyone else?

For reference, I have already finished the main campaign (with the exception of the thing with the five time crystals/shards which I'm currently trying to get).

Best Answer

I have had this happen to me as well. One thing I noticed is it always happens on quests I don't currently have unlocked for offline play. You can still join levels you don't have, because someone else made it. But you cant create an online parallel if you dont have access to it offline. However. Even still. I've found quests I do have, even i ngames i've created myself, still end up not getting cleared officially.

I have no definitive answer. If you find one, that would be great to know but so far I think a) it's a RNG problem. or B) someone else on your team didnt have the quest, thus, they didnt get a clear either, and so by default you are denied the clear.