Why can’t I access the Mach Bike


I currently have the Acro bike. I am trying to switch to the Mach bike at the bike shop.

Every time I talk to Rydel he asks to switch bikes then the game says

…got the Mach bike exchanged for an Acro bike!

It thinks I have the Mach bike and will only give me the Acro, even though I walked in with the Acro bike.

How do I fix this? I used to be able to switch then suddenly it's acting up.

Best Answer

This sounds like a really weird glitch. I'd recommend trying each of these steps in turn:

  1. Restart your 3DS device entirely - Save the game, press the power button and tap 'Power Off'. Then boot it up again.
    • The reason I recommend powering on/off entirely, rather than quitting & restarting the game, is this will completely cut power to the RAM and restart the core 3DS operating system - and not leave anything floating around in memory, which may still be present on a 'Soft Reset'.
  2. Update the Game - Connect the 3DS to the internet and update the game. If this is a known glitch, it's possible it's been addressed (inadvertently or otherwise) in a later revision of the game.
  3. Try the game in a different 3DS - Unlikely, but this could be caused by a problem on the 3DS's side. Perhaps some bit refuses to be flipped from 1 to 0 in RAM? Either case, give it a try.
  4. Restart the Game - If this glitch is still occurring after a hard reset AND on the latest version, you may have to try and restart the game entirely.
    • I've never heard of this glitch occurring anywhere other than this question, and it is most likely a very hard glitch to encounter, especially twice.
  5. Return your copy for a new one - If it occurs again, I'd be returning your cartridge for a new one. If you've reached this step there is probably a defect with your cartridge