Why can’t I access the potion during the first Defence Against the Dark Arts class


I was expecting to only be able to use Wingardium Leviosa in the beginning, but in the first lesson where you make the strength potion you need to use a pet to go up the tube and release the key to get out. Since I can't access the spell menu I can't change into a pet.

I also can't drink the potion that I just made even when I press Z like the screen says to do. I called tech support and they want me to try the disk on a different Wii and see if I have the same problem. If so they will replace the disk. Is anyone else having this same problem or have a fix?

Best Answer

With regards to the pet tube, you cannot get that until after you drink the potion, which unlocks the spell wheel.

As far as the potion is concerned, I have the PS3 version of the game, and I have noticed that my characters have the annoying habit of backing up a step or two when I walk up to a cauldron, which makes the cauldron menu / button disappear. The solution I use is to slowly walk towards the cauldron and wait a second or two before pressing the button, to ensure that the character is not going to move. That solution may or may not work for you on the Wii.