Why can’t I beat Snowy Granius during the quest Antabolis Informant


This is my first time playing through Morrowind, but I have played Oblivion before.

In the quest Antabolis Informant, I met a bandit (Snowy Granius) on a bridge. He is a battlemage, can summon a skeleton, and can cast spells.

I tried to kill him with my Khajiit acrobat, and I couldn't hit him.

Then I made a Nord warrior, ignored the skeleton he summoned, and started to slash him repeatedly. Although I did damage to him, I still died before him.

Why is it so hard to kill him? I didn't try to level up because I think I can ignore the advice from Caius Cosades, who said I might need to do some quest from a guild.

Best Answer

Well, he is a fairly "small fish". On the wiki page you provided you can see that he is only lvl3 with 54hp. That tells me you are probably not even lvl5 yet. Go around, do some stuff, level up a bit and then come back at him. Or alternatively, steal/buy a destruction scroll (spell) somewhere, and cast that at him. Make sure the scroll does more damage than he has HP (some kind of fire touch would probably be the best way to go). You could also drink some potions that would make you stronger in fight. + Get better equipment. It's fairly simple, you just need to get stronger.

PS - Morrowind actually becomes very easy after some time because enemies strength does not scale with your strength so what happens is that you reach a point when nobody can kill you any more.