final-fantasy-15 – Why Can’t I Go Back to the Regalia Sometimes?


Usually when opening the world map, I have the option to return to the point where I left my car.

However, sometimes that option is grayed out and I can't figure out why.

When can I get back to the car instantly from the world map and when can't I?

Best Answer

The short and simple answer is that you cannot Fast Travel whenever you are in a "dangerous" area or areas where the story won't allow it.

This includes places such as:

  1. Hunt regions (when you're in a yellow area)
  2. Dungeons
  3. Story event areas (Such as Altissa)
  4. During combat
  5. Anytime during chapters 9-14 (You are in the "end game" run and no longer have access to the Regalia, with the exception of the story event as the party enters Insomnia to fight Ardyn)

There may be others.

NOTE: These are not always the same areas you cannot save in, those are generally restricted to "Danger" zones only, unless you find a safe room.