Why can’t I multi-class


I've read the manual (I think all of the relevant parts anyway). My main Baldur's Gate character is a specialist mage (Transmuter, Half-Elf). She is well into 2nd level and looking good as far as I can tell. Since she is not fully human, she is supposed to be able to multi-class, right? From what I can see, she should have been able to start multi-classing when she got her first promotion (from 1st level mage to 2nd). It wasn't an option when she leveled-up, and the greyed out portion of her information screen reads dual-class (which I don't want). I want to start multi-classing her to Mage/Fighter ASAP. I sure hope I don't have to start over to get the character I want, it's just now getting fun! (We just cleared out the mines and we have some money for a change, PARTY!)

Best Answer

In the AD&D system that Baldur's Gate is based on, non-humans can multi-class, but that is a decision that is made when the character is created. In addition, specialist mages cannot multi-class - you can only be a generic fighter/mage, not a fighter/transmuter. (There is a single exception to this rule for gnomish illusionists, but I cannot remember if that is in Baldur's Gate or not).

On the character creation screen for class, after all the single classes are listed, there is a button for Multi-Class, which allows you to select a valid multi-class for your character.

Unfortunately, once a non-human character has been created, they cannot change their classes. The ability to change classes (dual classing) is restricted to humans only.