Why can’t I power up the drone system


I just started my first game with the Torus and I don't understand why I can't power up my drone system (which seems to be the only way to deal damage).

enter image description here

I would expect that I could simply click on the drone system symbol and it would be powered up. But nothing happens.

What am I missing here?

Best Answer

It says "Combat I" which is an attacking drone. There's no hostile ship to attack, so the game won't let you use it.

But! If you were in an asteroid field, you could deploy Defense drones:

def 1 drone def 2 drone

If you've got uninvited visitors on your ship, deploy an Anti-personnel drone:

anti-pers drone

Even in a safe zone you can use a Hull Repair and System Repair drones:

hull repair drone icon sys repair

There are more drone types in Advanced Edition that you can use in various situations.