Why did none of the German players get called up for the World Cup


I'm playing Bayern München, so I have 90% of the best German players, and 90% of their national team. However, the 2014 World Cup just came and went, and none of my Germans got called up, although my players from other countries did.

All my players had a great season and I won the league. I checked international instructions (under "int friendly availability") and none of my German players are showing up there. What gives? Are they all retired or something?

Best Answer

The answer that RobP gave is correct. Sports Interactive do not have the legal rights to have real players play for these teams, not only German.


You can fix this by going into program files & deleting the fake.lnc and nleague.lnc files in your 'db' folder. You can find those files in:

If you're using Steam: C:\Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Football Manager X\data\db*whatever database you want to use*\lnc

If not using Steam: C:\Program Files\Sports Interactive\Football Manager X\data\db*whatever database you want to use*\lnc