Why did the Charmander egg hatch to shiny Wynaut? Is this a daycare feature


The other night I stopped Masuda breeding and started to breed a few duplicates of starters with my Japanese Ditto, in the hopes of trading them on the GTS for other starters. I bred Charmander, Cyndaquill, and Fennekin and obtain all three of their eggs.

Here's where it gets weird: the first egg that hatches is the Charmander egg… but it didn't hatch a Charmander… it hatched a shiny Wynaut instead! Both of the other eggs hatched the expected starter.

I've never owned a Wynaut or it's evolution, plus the egg goes into your team once you take it from the caretaker. And that's why I'm really confused!

I've asked a few of my friends and they've got no clue what happened… I'm definitely psyched to have gotten a 1/4000+ chance outcome on my first (nonintentional) attempt. But can you tell me if this is indeed a feature of the daycare system?

Update: Upon request, here is the Wynaut summary screen:

enter image description here

Best Answer

There is no 'random-shiny-baby' factor at all in the Pokemon daycare. As Robotnik♦ suggested (and your image now confirms), you obtained the egg from the elderly lady in Lavaridge Town.

Even though, congratulations on the shiny Wynaut!