Why did the Kerbal die


I made a tug with the Klaw to rescue Valentina Kerman, who I had stranded in an orbit of the Mun, and bring her back to Kerbin. During reentry, I set the tug's parachutes to fire at a high pressure, and separated from the mun lander craft, as the tug was expendable but Valentina was not.

After watching Valentina splashdown gently into the ocean, I pressed ] to switch through active ships and observe the tug successfully splashdown as well. After the tug had splashed down, I pressed ] again and was aghast when the message "No nearby objects to focus. Use the Map View to select distant ones." appeared on screen.

I recovered the tug, checked the Tracking Station, and Mun Lander had disappeared. In the Astronaut Complex, Valentina was listed as KIA.

How did she die?

Best Answer

The thing that I can think of is this:

KSP will automatically remove some debris. In the menu, you can set the number of pieces of persistent debris. If you switched to another craft it may have removed the "debris" of the Valentina and the klaw.

Only vessels with a controlable part (capsules or probe bodies) won't be treated as debris. Did you have a probe body attached to the klaw that held Valentina?

This is from the Kerbal Space Program Wiki:

Any debris not within 2.5 km (the physics range) of the active vessel, will be removed if it is in an atmosphere with atmospheric density of greater than 0.1 atm