Why do different casinos generate different amount of money


Casinos are a bit confusing to me. I have 3 casinos and I built my Sci-fi casino. My first two casinos easily make me money, the first one here:

easily makes me 40k a day

this one here below it:

makes a lot less, but still positive income

Now the new sci-fi casino that I built makes SO much less, its actually 9k negative. My question is why do the casinos make such a different amount of money, and why does the Sci-fi casino steal money from me, while the other two make so much? (I have given it about a month of time to see if it would begin making money)

Best Answer

MaxisMC: There are some known balance issues with the casino specialization that are being investigated. Improving your city's tourist attraction by adding landmarks and mass transit will help. It is possible to get the HQ, and focusing on one casino might help, but it is a lot more difficult than intended.

Looks like there was a last minute adjustment of non-basic casinos that adjusted their profitability that is being reviewed by Maxis.

In my last casino city I did have (2x basic casinos) and a sci-fi casino going at roughly breakeven with one disco and 2x hotel low wealth rooms. With this setup I was maxing out on low wealth patrons but only a smattering of mid-wealth patrons. (Oh and I did have Toyko tower to bring in the tourists).

I would suggest:

  • better mass transit: train station in the downtown 'core', boats w/ cruise ship upgrade, airport
  • spam basic casinos to get the lodging upgrade at the HQ before moving onto the top 3 casino types

The sci-fi casino has much higher running costs so you need the money that is made from mid-wealth tourists, not low-wealth ones.

With the smaller city sizes the game is much more about "leveling" ie: build/max out our city at one income level, making a tweak (HQ upgrade) and then going back and upgrading buildings. Only time you can short circuit this is if someone else in your region already has those buildings.