Why Do MW2 Maps Keep Crashing


So I am level 59 in MW2 multiplayer, and am planning on getting MW3 in the near future. I want to be able to prestige before then so I can get the bonuses listed in this answer. But whenever I play on any maps other than Highrise, Querry, and Afghan, My xbox crashes and says

The disk you have entered is unreadable. 
Please try wiping it with a cloth or cleaning it.

My disk is scratched, but I am afraid of fixing it because all of the reviews I have seen of people do this have been good like:This saved me $60!!!!!, to You suck!!!!!!!!!! You ruined my disc
Obvisously it will take me forever to prestige if I can only play on 3 maps. Is there anyway around this? Also is there any ways to fix it for free that you have used and work?
Thanks in Advance

Best Answer

Most nearby video stores ( now commonly Family Video or GameStop ) will do disc repairs but it depends how deep the scratches really are.

I would assume most replies of You Suck! You ruined my disc are that in actuality, a customer unable to come to the terms that their disc has become unrepairable prior to trying to clean it (and now has to bite the bullet of buying a new one or moving on).

I would try a local video rental store or GameStop (if applicable). Ultimately, if these options fail, buy a new disc or moving on to (in your case) Modern Warfare 3. I do not think it is worth it to buy a disc cleaning kit if you have already tried the first option. At some point your recovery efforts may become more expensive then purchasing a new, unscratched game.