Why does Astrid say “well done” when killed


This time, instead of killing the Khajit again, I decided to take out Astrid instead. And now her last words – "Well Done!" have made me paranoid and insomniac.

Did I play into her hands by killing her? Did the Dark Brotherhood leaders in previous games ritualistically say the same thing upon getting killed (I don't think they did in Morrowind, but it's been a long time since I played it)? Or is this something she would have said if I had killed somebody in her presence, only this time that "somebody" was herself (which means this is a bug)? Most importantly, for my newly wed bride awaits me: is it safe to sleep?

A lot of other people all over the internet seem to be expressing the same doubts and uncertainties, yet no explanation has come forth.

Best Answer

This is highly speculative. I don't think there is an actual answer to this question.

However, I think it's simply because you did what she said. Loyalty means everything to the dark brotherhood, which is stated in a few books about the dark brotherhood. She said, that a "sacrifice would be required to join the dark brotherhood", so you have to kill somebody in the room, but who that somebody is, well, she left that choice to you. I think she thought about that risk, she wouldn't want to invite someone to the dark brotherhood who's stupid. She took the risk, got her ass whooped, yes, but you did the job, therefore she says "Well done".

On the other side, this is just my theory ... I mean, nobody could tell you where the dark brotherhood hideout was. Also, she loved the Dark Brotherhood, and she loved the leading position, so the death of her and her "family" surely wasn't her intention.

But as mentioned, there is no real answer to the question. However:

Most importantly, for my newly wed bride awaits me, is it safe to sleep?

Yes, it is. There won't appear any random assassins disturbing your honeymoon nights :P