starbound – Why does teleport work differently in Starbound and how to address it?


My friend and I noticed something odd while playing Starbound. For some reason, I was perfectly capable of teleporting out from underground while he could not do such a thing. We initially thought it might be that he would need to get a fully upgraded ship but, even then, he still couldn't.

We've had a few thoughts about what it might be, most likely one in our heads dealing with the fact that I created my character immediately after 1.0 came out and he did his a few weeks ago. I checked the changelogs but, I failed to find anything mentioning such a change.

We are at the same tech levels and are at the same point progress-wise (the end).

Why can I teleport out from underground while he is unable to do so?

Edit: I'm able to teleport out from any depth, with or without a wall behind me.

Best Answer

Assuming you're both on same depth level, you most likely didn't have a wall behind you (RMB with the tool to break it down).
You can't teleport to ship from within buildings, which mainly just means you can't teleport if you have a wall behind you.
Edit: An update in 2016 made it possible to beam to ship from any depth with walls behind you if your character is in casual mode.