Why does the monthly balance stay the same when raising taxes


I noticed several times that my monthly balance/income does not increase when I raise tax. If I look at my vassals it shows I do get extra tax but I never see the actual money.

Just now I payed close attention. I had disabled clergy tax a while ago since they would pay to the pope anyway. But things changed and they like me much more then the pope now. So I enabled min church taxation.

When I check my vassals on my character screen the bishops had 0.0 in black as tax before I changed taxation. Now they show 11 coins in green combined. If I go over to monthly balance there has been no change. I might suspect it from increasing slowly but… since I get payed more tax there should be a jump of 11 coins there since I do not have a liege and thus do not pay taxes to anyone.

Any idea how this works?

Best Answer

It can take a month or two before any income changes show up in the amount the game displays as your monthly income. Assuming though that it's been a couple of months since you changed the tax law then the problem is likely that the 11 number doesn't mean what you think it does. The number displayed in the vassal tab of the character window is how much they pay each year in taxes. Divide that number by 12 to get the monthly income they provide. That means if they're paying you 11 gold a year in taxes, they're contributing less than 1 gold a month to your treasury.

List of vassals showing yearly income with tooltip

As you can see from the tooltip in the image above, Bishop Walram's contribution to his liege's treasury of 6.3 gold is calculated by taking his yearly income of 18.2 and multiplying it by the church vassal tax rate of 35%. That means the 6.3 number is the amount he pays in taxes each year, not each month.