Why doesn’t Focused Charge stun? (Templar Aedric Spear ability)


The Templar Aedric Spear ability, Focused Charge, has the following description:

"Charge to target, interrupting casts and stuns them for 3 seconds."

When I use this ability, it never stuns my target. I haven't yet found an opportunity to use it against a casting target since the majority of spells in ESO are instant casts. Does the stun happen only if an interrupt occurs?

Best Answer

It appears according to this thread that you are not the only one experiencing this issue.

I dug a little deeper and found this thread that clearly states the only way this stun works is if you hit someone mid-cast.

The wording in the description is a bit vague but, if you read it, it does clearly state interrupting casts.