Why is the Atlas Interface’s “Obey” choice greyed out


So I followed the Atlas Path and arrived at the 10th Atlas Interface where I should get my 10th Atlas Stone. The interface offers me the two usual choice "Refuse" and "Obey (Milestone…)" but the second one is greyed out and I can't select it :

enter image description here

I have empty slots in both my character's and ship's inventories so I don't understand why I can't select the second choice, get the Atlas Stone and the waypoint to what I expect to be the final Atlas interface.

Best Answer

This is unrelated to inventory.

You need to be rank Magellan or higher, as it says. To achieve this, you must have accrued a total milestone count of at least 50. The maximum milestone count is 90.

See the Meta title rankings here: http://nomanssky.wikia.com/wiki/Journey_milestones