Kerbal Space Program – Why Is This Mission Not Complete? Troubleshooting Steps


I'm fairly new to KSP and it took me a long time to finally figure out how to play the damn game because without science you can't get better rockets and without better rockets you can't get into space to get science. However I finally figured out all about EVA travel from the launch pad and got enough science that I can finally perform suborbital flights. With that I had finally found a source of funds and science which I could farm: ferrying rich people into suborbital space repeatedly.

Unfortunately my most recent mission put my kerbals into a weird state. When I go to the launch pad there are no tourists available to put into my rocket, but I still have this mission active.

Incomplete Mission

I can't figure out why this mission is still considered incomplete. As you can see, they only have a single destination on their itinerary and they were sent there successfully. This is probably the 7th time I've done this mission (sending rich people into suborbital space) and I never had this issue before.

Best Answer

Though the objectives don't explicitly mention this, you have to return your passengers to the space center in order for their journey to count as complete.

You can check ongoing flights from the space center's tracking station. Any vessel or Kerbal that's landed on Kerbin and not under acceleration can be recovered by pressing the button at the top of the screen.