Kerbal Space Program – Why Does the RCS Thruster Move the Ship During Rotation?


When I attempted docking I have annoying issue of RCS changing the ship speed. Once when I tried to rotate next to fuel station I got 10 m/s just by rotation.

I place RCS near COM when designing the ship – before adding spare booster/thrusters – just final module COM (well second to last if we count landing pod as stage).

Best Answer

The only difference between RCS thrusters and ordinary thrusters is the control scheme, the forces they apply work the same way:

  • Any time a thruster is fired, it applies linear momentum to the ship (which is the same as translation or changing the ship speed). The amount is independent of where the thruster is placed.

  • If the center of thrust does not align perfectly with the center of mass, it will also apply angular momentum (which is the same as rotation or applying torque) to the ship. The further away it is from the center of mass (CoM), the more angular momentum will be produced.

So, in the case of RCS, what you generally want is for it to be far away from the CoM, but balanced around it (placed symmetrically around the CoM). This makes both RCS modes work well:

  • If you use RCS to rotate, the thrusters on the opposite ends of the ship will fire in different directions, cancelling out the linear momentum, and adding up the angular momentum, resulting in rotation but unchanged speed.

  • If you use RCS to translate, the thrusters will fire in the same direction, adding up the linear momentum and cancelling out the angular momentum, resulting in no rotation, but changed speed.

Side note: If all you need is rotation, using reaction wheels is a reasonable alternative - reaction wheels never change the speed of the ship, only rotate it, and do not use any fuel, only electricity. They are more effective if you place them near the CoM, but will work anywhere, too. The trade-off is that they are bulkier and, for short missions, heavier (for similar power) than RCS, and cannot be used to translate (which is usually needed for docking).

Summary: Place RCS symmetrically around the CoM, but far away from it, for best results.