Why use the move detect/protect


Detect/Protect can protect a pokemon from being hit by an attack for one move. But why is this helpful? You use the move, they fail to attack you, and then it's just normal again.

The only reason I could think of is to perhaps let a pokemon die from poison (or similar statuses), but even then, detect can fail if used repeatedly and it has a very low PP amount.

Is there any good use for the move? Or any other uses?

Best Answer

Protect/Detect are essentially a "blank turn", but end-of-turn actions still occur. Here are several reasons Protect/Detect may be used:

  • Recovering HP if you are holding Leftovers (or similar set-ups like the move Ingrain).
  • Ability gains such as from Speed Boost.
  • Opponent taking damage from a burn or poison.
  • Opponent taking damage from a weather condition.
  • If the opponent is confused, there is an extra chance they could hurt themselves in confusion.
  • Protecting against two turn attacks like Dig or Fly. Because those moves attack on the second turn you know they are coming and Protect will work every time.
  • In double/triple battles, you can avoid damage from teammates using moves such as Earthquake or Surf.
  • Wasting the opponent's PP. For moves like Hydro Pump that only has 5 PP (or max 8) it could be vital.
  • "Scoping out" the opponent's moves - in other words, checking what moves your opponent has.

If one or more non-protect moves are used between each use of Protect/Detect (for example on alternate turns), they are guaranteed to work.