Why was the Lord Regent killed


So when I was playing dishonored, I'm on a non-lethal path btw which i did, the Lord regent died when I knocked him out while his confession was playing. is this a bug or something really suppose to happened. I've read in the wiki that when you've played his confession, the guards will take him into custody, while he try to escape, he will be killed. is this what happened?

Best Answer

If you knocked him out and saw him die after with no guards around, that sounds like a bug. Perhaps the guard thought the Lord Regentbeing unconscious was the same as him fleeing, in which case they would've killed him.

The non-lethal takedown for the Lord Regent involves playing the confession, after which one of the following happens:

  • The Lord Regent is killed by guards in a non-scripted way if he flees after the confession plays. This can happen if you possess him, or if you attack him or the guards while he's being led out of the tower.
  • The Lord Regent is arrested, led out of the tower, and then tries to flee and is killed by guards in a scripted way if you're on a high-chaos playthrough.
  • The Lord Regent is arrested, led out of the tower, and survives to be thrown in Coldridge Prison if you're on a low-chaos playthrough.

Source: http://dishonored.wikia.com/wiki/Return_to_the_Tower