Final Fantasy 15 – Why Was the Regalia Type-D Reverted in Chapter 7?


At some early point in the game (think chapter 3) I upgraded the Regalia to Type-D. All good.

However, in the end of chapter 6 there was a message saying the Regalia has been reverted back to its original form, and indeed, the Type-D is gone, and I can't go off-road anymore.

Why did it happen? Is there some official/logical explanation for this?

Note: as part of the main quest, I can't go back to Hammerhead in order to try changing it back.

Best Answer

The later half of the story is significantly more railroaded (both literally and figuratively) than the first, which is basically a true open-world game. After you embark on the boat, the Regalia can't even be used again (only returns in a single driving scene / minigame, if I remember correctly) until you get to the post-game content, where the modification becomes available again.