FTL: Faster Than Light Mercenaries – Why Would You Hire a Mercenary in FTL?


In a mercenary encounter, why would it be strategic to hire the mercenary?

  1. If you fight the mercenary, you've spent 1 fuel, explored 1 beacon, and gained default rewards through battle. This is what I consider a good beacon.
  2. If you hire them to delay the rebels and use those 2 extra jumps, you've spent 3 fuel, 10-25 scrap, and explored 3 beacons, one of them (the mercenary one) being effectively empty.
  3. If you hire them to scout the sector, you've spent 1 fuel, 10-20 scrap, and gained the sector map.

I currently always fight the mercenary (they are worse than rebels and I must be honorable). Delaying the rebels does not seem better on average and the only situation I would consider it is if I am able to complete a quest or avoid Rebel elites. Scouting the sector seems situational, such as if you are very damaged and looking for a store.

Why would you let those filthy mercenaries live?

Best Answer

In the few times I've hired a mercenary for extra jumps it was when

  • I'm scrap heavy and fuel heavy and I've been hunting for a shop (shields maxed and I need to get better guns) so I want to explore every beacon. I find extra jumps are more useful than the map as you only need to be 1 system away to discover a shop.


  • Trying to increase quest related odds, like getting to and back from a quest beacon in a weird system map or finding a ship like the incomplete rebel cruiser, finding the right slug, mantis, rock, etc. ship.


  • I have the system mapped already and getting the extra jump enables me to hit an extra distress beacon or two and I have the abilities that maximizes profits from these or I'm desperate for an extra crew member.

And finally if you have one or more scrap arms the chance to turn 1 default rewards with bonuses into 2 default rewards with bonuses is quite enticing.

Most of the time though I agree with you, blast those mercenary scum into scrap!