Will items dropped on the ground ever disappear


With the Thieves Guild missions to steal X worth of items from Y, I find myself with a lot of useless items that aren't even worth selling.

So usually I just stop and drop everything on the ground. Unfortunately, this means that Riften now has random piles of plates and goblets and other random garbage everywhere. I guess they don't have sanitation workers in Skyrim.

Will these items eventually disappear or will I have to do a special thief "mission" to steal all the garbage off the ground and dump it in a container?

Best Answer

Eventually yes, it will disappear. Every once in a while a city resets. A (usually, and it worked for me) way to do this is to make a new character and then load the old one. This will cause the entire world loot to reset so if you have some bodies laying around they will disappear and if you have stored some things in an unsafe location it too will probably disappear.