Will Prestige option for stat reset keep your unlocked weapons/perks


I understand that one of the three options when you prestige is to reset all stats, but you can also use a prestige token to permanently unlock some weapon/perk – so my question is: When you reset your stats upon prestiging, will that also remove the permanently-unlocked weapon/perk that you unlocked with a prestige token?

I ask because I have an awful K/D, so I want to reset upon hitting 55, but I also want to permanently unlock a weapon.

Best Answer

I just discovered a post on reddit in which a user used his token to unlock "Ghost" permanently, then selected the option to reset all stats.

He was downgraded to prestige level 0 again and lost his ghost unlock (among every other unlocked item).

So yeah - don't expect unlocked weapons/perks to remain if you reset all stats.

Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/redditcasual/comments/13cjv5/okay_so_ive_made_a_huge_mistakeresetting_your/