The Witcher 3 – How to Activate Alternate Signs


I finished the game without developing my character (I know that sounds stupid!) Now I want to activate the alternate igni sign (to kill the toad prince), but I cannot do it although I have 33 points available (the box on the bottom left in the character screen says Points Available 33).

Despite having 33 points in total, the points available in the branch for Signs is 0! So, I don't see how to use those 33 points..?

Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

The 'Points in Branch: 0' at the top of the Signs section is just telling you that you have not currently spent any Skill Points on signs. This is useful information because the rows in the table are unlocked as you spend more points in the table.

So to begin just select an entry in the first row and use 'Acquire Ability'. Then you can continue to upgrade or acquire abilities.